SeatPG’s Productivity Game


Project name: WebPoint Village
Category: Productivity Game; Gamification / Serious Games; Internal Communication
Client: Seat PG
Technologies: Ludum; UnderWave
Target: Seat Pagine Gialle’s Sales Agents designed and developed WebPoint Village, a productivity game for iPad, dedicated to the entire sales force of Seat PG.

DESCRIPTION: set up a solution for Seat PG to increase the sales performance using gamification; the solution is specifically addressed to all the Seat PG’s sales staff (1,400 people).
WebPoint Village belongs to the category of Serious Games and has been conceived as a project of medium / long term (3 years), with a structure very similar to CityVille and Millionaire City.
SeatPG’s agents gain city’s resources reaching their period’s sales objectives.


Each player has an avatar, which manages a portion of territory with the aim of making it grow: agents, the individual sellers of Seat PG agencies, control the districts of the city; Mayors, Governors and Supervisors, directors of the company, control the entire city and the areas formed by more cities.
The management platform of the game directly concerns the neighborhoods (and then the cities), which grow and evolve in height (by the appearance of the buildings) and width.
These features, in particular, are linked to the real performance of individual users, and is measured by the two key indicators that make up the key objective of the sales force: the web and the total sales results.
Through an integrated Twitter-style messaging experience, this serious game is also a very useful communication tool, top-down and horizontal.


  • Increasing sales by stimulating the competitiveness and continuous comparison among agents of the sales force.
  • Increasing productivity by a tool that: constantly communicates objectives to sales force; permits to operationally implement strategic sudden changes, allowing continuous contact with and among agents of the sales force; integrates and optimizes the existing incentive system.
  • Facilitating the shif of corporate culture: from agents to consultants; from printed paper selling to digital services selling.
  • Improving business environment, maximizing Involvement and Participation.
  • Gradual Investment.
  • Important Information and Statistical Returns.
  • Encouraging of active behaviors by users.
  • Creating an “expandable” usage tool: for example, the serious game is designed to allow the inclusion of training (eLearning), for its use as a presentation tool to clients, for the rapid creation and automated presentations on the results of the various initiatives relating to the sales force, etc..
Reply – Advergame & Multitouch games development

Project name: Undisclosed
Category: Advergames; Game for Exhibitions / Multitouch games
Client: Reply spa; Forge Reply
Technologies: Flash – ActionScript 3.0, PHP
Target: Undisclosed
Details: Undisclosed

Go To Jupiter: E-learning Game for Employees

Project name: Go To Jupiter
Category: E-learning; Gamification / Serious Games; Internal Communication
Client: Astrazeneca
Technologies: Ludum; Flash – ActionScript 3.0, PHP
Target: AstraZeneca sales force

Go To Jupiter is a Game Based Learning Solution, used to teach to 500 agents about a new medicine.
Astrazeneca’s agents have to earn points to be the first to reach a Stadium (which represents the official launch event of the medicine and where agents, answering questions using a remote control, can earn new points to improve their game ranking).
In the web game, agents can get points by answering quiz and playing different mini-games focused on the features of a new product. has developed the game and conceived the concept and the entire game-experience. Our partner MCA Group has produced the graphics and it has organized the launch event.

Go To Jupiter has been developed using our Social Game Platform – Ludum.


Main project’s Objetives:

  • to teach to 500 agents about a new medicine, keeping costs down
  • to create an effective voluntary e-learning system – so we have used many involvement drivers: teams competitions, cooperation and competition inside teams, mini-games with a really immediate gameplay, virtual items, achievements and awards, leaderboards, levels, etc.
  • to communicate the Astrazeneca’s corporate culture, to improve work environment, to create an effective team building tool
  • to check real-time the training results
  • to focus agents’ attention on the new product, considered strategic by the company
  • to create expectations about the launch event

Some Results:

  • High usage rates (97%)
  • The most of the agents where using the platform outside of their work time
  • 95% of the users completed each teaching session
  • Effective team building tool
Act of Fury by DarkWave Games

Project name: Act of Fury – Kraine’s revenge
Category: iPhone & iPod Touch Game – Innovative Shoot’em up
Client: DarkWave Games by
Technologies: UnderWAVE (our framework), C++, OpenGL, Objective C
Publisher: Forge Reply

Brief Description:

Act of Fury: Kraine’s Revenge is the firstborn of a new breed of shooters, where you don’t have to shoot because YOU are the weapon.

Kraine Severe has undergone mad experiments by the infamous Dr. Osvald Pernicious, leader of the Doom Legion. After a daring escape from the laboratory, he realizes he can transform himself in a mighty hurricane. His next step is easily taken: pursue revenge, destroy everything that tries to stop him.



  • A brand new shoot’em up mechanic: you’re are the weapon – destroy everything and pursue your personal vengeance!
  • Nine levels of wild action in four different environments, from the hottest desert, to the icy pole.
  • Three huge bosses to fight, based on the evolution of the Doom Legion’s prototype weapon.
  • Two difficulty levels -normal for everyone and Hell mode for hardcore shoot’em up fans.
  • Earn stars and spend them to unlock special powers, like elemental hurricanes and thunderstorms.
  • Game Center and OpenFeint support for achievements and leaderboards.


Some Awards:

  • BEST Gaming App 2011 – Macity Awards
  • Community Game of the Week – Touch Arcade
  • Bronze Award – Pocket Gamer France

Lite version:

A Lite version is available on the App Store with:

  • Three exclusive levels non included in the full game.
  • A huge boss fight.
  • A special power is automatically activated in every stage to demonstrate the customization of the character.
  • Normal and Hell mode to try both kind of gameplay.


MTV My Chart: Gamification & Cross-media Strategy

Project name: MTV MY CHART
Category: Gamification; Social Media Marketing; Facebook App; bidirectional Crossmedia strategy
Client: MTV Italy
Technologies: Flash – ActionScript 3.0, Facebook Connect, PHP

MTV My Chart is an application conceived and created by for MTV Italy, capable to create weekly videoclip charts, ordered by the preferences of the Facebook users.
MTV My Chart is placed in the charts section of the portal and is connected to the social network using Facebook Connect and a Facebook Live Stream Wall; moreover, in the application page the users can check the trend of the My Chart in real time.

There’s more: MTV My Chart is a gamified application, usable as a tool for a bidirectional crossmedia strategy.

MTV wants to make use of the weekly chart generated by the application in the Hitlist Italia and, probably, a specific show will be aired in the future, inviting the “trend setter” of the week (who won the weekly chart).


The project is based on these elements:

  • Obtaining a growth of the Facebook users that arrive on the MTV site;
  • MTV talks about music and offers it to its public;
  • MTV proposes weekly charts based on the sales data and from the top seen videos;
  • Facebook users are a relevant slice of the potential MTV target;
  • MTV can exploit the television media to promote the application, and the application can promote the television media (especially for a specific target);

So the application is based on this social aspect: the market tells which is the Hitlist in Italy but Facebook users make their own.

The purpose to make a social application based on the votes of the users has shifted the focus away from the vote itself towards the actions of the users. This choice has permitted:

  • the application of the gamification paradigm (points, avatars, achievements, evolution, leaderboards) to augment the engagement and encourage the users towards the viral communication. Moreover, the logic is suitable for contests.
  • drive the attention of the users to the social dynamics, in particular the group, friendship and competition ones.
  • provide incentives for the continuous use of the application: the actions of the other users make the application dynamic; the actions of the single user make the application useful

MTV MyChart - Experience Creation: Crossmedia Telling & Gamification

GAMECITY – Nickelodeon’s social meta-game

GAMECITY is the Nickelodeon’s social meta-game, hosted into and connected to Facebook.

Accessing to the new GAMECITY’s section on the Nickelodeon portal, users will dress the part of a superhero, equipped of a super-vehicle too, called to perform continuous missions in a city populated by all the famous properties of Nickelodeon, like Spongebob, Avatar, The Penguins of Madagascar, Fairly Oddparents.

Playing to the games contained into GAMECITY, performing their missions, matching their friends, players will increase their levels, climb GAMECITY’s leaderboards and earn continuously new virtual items to customize their own avatars, new playing cards to increase their super-vehicles powers, awards and prizes to testify their progresses.

GameCity is developed with our Social Game Development Platform: LUDUM.
LUDUM: Social Games Development Platform

The Advergame’s Concept

GAMECITY is a meta-game conceived to enhance at most the’s brand, exploiting all Nickelodeon’s properties (like Spongebob, Avatar, The Penguins of Madagascar, Fairly Oddparents an so on).

The main GAMECITY’s marketing objectives are:

  • to increase the number of’s heavy-users
  • to increase the average number of accesses for user into
  • to increase the number of’s users
  • to increase’s pageview
  • to facilitate Nickelodeon’s social media marketing strategies and the viral communication on the social networks
  • to increase’s awareness and image and its capability of loyalizing
  • to allow complex product placements and in-game advertising, in order to create new monetization channels

GAMECITY Experience

GAMECITY has been conceived to create a social and engaging game-experience.’s users will dress the part of a superhero and will be called to patrol GAMECITY’s streets and perform continuous missions; moreover, players will be able ti match each others and deeply customize their avatars.

Each GAMECITY’s district is owned by a Nickelodeon’s properties or by an advertising brand that will insert into GAMECITY through the “product placement” marketing tool.

Entering into the various districts, users will access to a large number of games. Playing and performing thair missions, the superheroes will increase their experiece, and so a lot of virtual items, awards and prizes will be unlocked.

Bundled with GAMECITY, there will be a Facebook social-game: every player will have a super-vehicle, deeply customizable through some “equipping cards”. Thanks to thair super-vehicle, superheroes can determine who is the most powerful.

Other Connected Activities

1. Web and Facebook Banner creation for the GAMECITY’s launch advertising campaign. e.g.:


2. Production of GAMECITY’s Promotional Videos, assembled in theOn Air Advertising GAMECITY’s Spot

3. Development of a Stand-alone Feacebook version of Nick Race – to bring new users to

4. Development of a digital stand for the presentation of GAMECITY at Cartoon On The Bay

GAMECITY: Stand - Cartoon on the Bay

Project: GAMECITY – Social Meta-Game
Category: Social Game – Advergame; Gamification
Client: MTV Italia – Nickelodeon –
Technologies: LUDUM, Flash, ActionScript 3.0, Facebook Connect

Avventura da Paura – Social Web Game

Following the big success of Camp Orange’s Social Web Games, has created the social game “Avventura da Paura” (Scary Adventure – Avventura da Paura’s Social Web Game) for MTV Italy and Nickelodeon. The game is published on portal –

Avventura da Paura is a Nickelodeon’s Adventure Broadcast-Game  that goes on air on Nickelodeon (the Mtv’s teen channel). created the game concept, the design and the graphics, and made an hard work on writing the Flash (AS3) and PHP5 code of the Web Game Avventura da Paura.

Avventura da Paura is at most a reskin and upgrade of Camp Orange’s Social Web Games: this was possible because of the flexibility of our Social Game Development Platform (LUDUM).
LUDUM: Social Games Development Platform has developed the entire website, too.

Avventura da Paura: Avatars


Players, creating and customizing an own Avatar, can live in first person some Avventura da Paura-inspired adventures, facing the different challendes offered by several immediate and really engaging mini-games – like rafting in a scary torrents, flying hung by a big bat, being a scuba diver among skeletons.

The Avventura da Paura’s social web game allows players to challenge friends and other players, as the Avventura da Paura TV program does.

Moreover, thanks to Facebook Connect, players can: – share their Avatars and their own Scooby-Doo inspired Vans; – can communicate their records and their completed achievements; – can challenge friends and communicate matches results; – can chat on the application wall.

The game has been conceived to follow the same TV program’s structure – so, mini-games will be released periodically, keeping the users’ interest high.

Avatars and Vans will evolve little by little players go on to play, challenge, invite, share. The levels of the mini-game “Sulle Tracce di Asterion” will be unlocked if player will play and invite friends.




In particular, the advergame has been conceived:

  • to communicate the delivered values by Nickelodeon’s TV program Avventura da Paura;
  • thanks to the exploitation of social media, to bring new users to the web portal;
  • to increase the brand awareness of Avventura da Paura, and Nickelodeon;
  • thank to the creation of a complex experience (but, immediate to the user), to increase users’ retention rate and permanence time on Avventura da Paura Game and;
  • to turn web users into tv audience and vice-versa;
  • to make a game suitable for sponsorship, in-game advertising and product placement;
  • to create a concept that it is suitable for different TV programmes;
  • to make a game that, thanks to following releases, has the same TV programme’s structure, keeping the users’ interest high.

Project name: Avventura da Paura (Scary Adventure)
Category: Social Game – Advergame
Client: MTV Italy – Nickelodeon –
Technologies: Flash, ActionScript 3.0, Facebook Connect

Master of Alchemy by DarkWave Games

DarkWave Games (DWG) is the’s gaming brand, that develops high-quality proprietary games to be published on the most important online stores world-wide.

DWG’s mission is the development of Multiplatform, Multidevice and Multiplayer Social Games, exploiting the concepts of “gaming ubiquity” and “game as entertainment art”.
Even if this is our final goal, we decided to adopt a step approach – so we chose to start from the development of games for iPhoneOS. In any case, also Master of Alchemy (our first game) is developed with a proprietary multiplatform-ready framework. has created DWG department motivated by the passion for gaming and following a concentric diversification strategy – in fact,’s skills and experiences are very useful for game development, and so to enter into B-to-C market.

In particular,’s know-how allows the development of games that:

  • are multiplatform, multidevice and multiplayer;
  • are social;
  • can completely exploite the potentiality of touch and multitouch users interfaces in creating entertainment experiences;
  • can completely exploite the different technologies integrated into devices – in particular, integrated into mobile devices (smartphone, tablet, netpc);
  • can be web-based too and completely integrated with social media (like Facebook).



Rise of the Mechanologists

Master of Alchemt Rise of the Mechanologists


Rise of the Mechanologists is the new version of Master of Alchemy for PC and Mac, fully revamped to satisfy the different audience. The game has been revised, with reworked controls, beautiful HD graphics and refined levels, that will test the ability of every puzzle game lover that is looking for a real challenge.
The new HD graphics supports the PC and Mac screens up to the 2560 x 1440 resolution.


  • Darker style.
  • Support for high resolution screens, up to 2560 x 1440.
  • Controls adapted for mouse and keyboard.
  • 60 revised levels to master.

MASTER OF ALCHEMY Rise of the Mechanologists is available in digital download on many online stores:



Master of Alchemy - Available on App Store


Master of Alchemy is an original and engaging puzzle game based on the manipulation of solid, liquid and gaseous elements. The game’s dynamic mechanics enable puzzle challenges and solutions like no other where you must transform elements using alchemy tools to make stunning discoveries. Master of Alchemy uses a custom-developed game engine with fully realistic particle physics and beautiful, high-resolution graphics. By utilizing a variety of instruments ranging from pipes and coils to blenders and hot air balloons, players create new elements and substances to overcome obstacles and advance to new levels.
bang_01PRESENTED AT E3EXPO 2010:
Master of Alchemy HD (iPad Version) was presented at E3Expo 2010 by Chillingo – our publisher.


  • Controls: Master the art of Alchemy by manipulating properties of matter at your fingertips!
  • More than 60 Levels: Increasing puzzle complexity leads to hours of enjoyment.
  • Nearly 20 tools (Alembics): That allows players to overcome obstacles and navigate through complex structures.
  • Beautifully Rendered Graphics: Featuring Steampunk art style that lets players experience the old-world feeling.
  • Phenomenal Music: Featuring sound effects that mirror your moves.
  • Character Evolution: Choose from six different types of characters to perform various tasks throughout the game.

Master of Alchemy has been developed to be multiplatform – besides the iPhone and iPad versions, we could also release MoA to Windows, Mac, Linux, Android and Nintendo DSi (with the necessary UI adaptation) [ps. We are not saying that we will port for sure MoA to these platforms – We are only saying that if we would, we could].
This is because we have developed a Multiplatform Framework; a Node-based scripting editor; an Editor platform.

Project name: Master of Alchemy
Category: Game
Client: DarkWave Games by
Technologies: UnderWAVE, C++, OpenGL, Objective C


Camp Orange’s Social Game has created the social game “La Grande Avventura” (The Big Adventure / Camp Orange’s Social Web Game) for MTV Italy and Nickelodeon. The game is published on portal.

Camp Orange is a Nickelodeon’s Adventure Game  that goes on air on Nickelodeon (the Mtv’s teen channel) -. created the game concept, the design and the graphics. wrote the code of the Web Game Camp Orange too, using its Social Game Development Platform – LUDUM.

LUDUM: Social Games Development Platform



Players, creating and customizing an own Avatar, can live in first person some Camp Orange-inspired adventures, facing the different heats offered by several immediate and really engaging mini-games – like rafting, hang-glider, trekking, skating.

The Camp Orange’s social web game allows players to challenge friends and other players, as the Camp Orange TV program does.

Moreover, thanks to Facebook Connect, players can: – share their Avatars and their own camps; – can communicate their records and their completed achievement; – can challenge friends and communicate matches results; – can chat on the application wall.

The game has been conceived to follow the same TV program’s structure – so, mini-games will be released periodically, keeping the users’ interest high.

Avatars and Camps will evolve little by little players go on to play, challenge, invite, share.


In particular, the advergame has been conceived:

  • to communicate the delivered values by Nickelodeon’s TV programme Camp Orange;
  • thanks to the exploitation of social media, to bring new users to the web portal;
  • to increase the brand awareness of Camp Orange, and Nickelodeon;
  • thank to the creation of a complex experience (but, immediate to the user), to increase users’ retention rate and permanence time on Camp Orange Game and;
  • to turn web users into tv audience and vice-versa;
  • to make a game suitable for sponsorship, in-game advertising and product placement;
  • to create a concept that it is suitable for different TV programmes;
  • to make a game that, thanks to following releases, has the same TV programme’s structure, keeping the users’ interest high.


Project name: La Grande Avventura (The big Adventure) – Camp Orange
Category: Social Game – Advergame
Client: MTV Italy – Nickelodeon –
Technologies: Flash, ActionScript 3.0, Facebook Connect