purePDF, a complete actionscript PDF library
Alessandro, alittleb.it co-founder, has just released an incredible actionscript PDF library. Chek out purePDF on our tech-blog. Great work Alessandro!!!
Alessandro, alittleb.it co-founder, has just released an incredible actionscript PDF library. Chek out purePDF on our tech-blog. Great work Alessandro!!!
This is awesome! I’m downloading purePDF right now!
Thanks Mike! I hope this library will help you create an amazing Web Application!
how to use it export Chinese?
Hi Helen, yes Chinese is supported.
Please refer to the examples you can find on sephiroth website.
Hi guys,
I’m trying to use purepdf but i can’t get it to work. i’m sure i’m missing some thing because i can’t even run an example.
here are the files that i’m using:
a helloworld class
import flash.events.Event;
import org.purepdf.elements.Paragraph;
public class HelloWorld extends DefaultBasicExample
public function HelloWorld(d_list:Array=null)
super([“This example shows how to add a simple text to the document”,”using a Paragraph element”]);
override protected function execute(event:Event=null) : void
createDocument( “Hello World” );
document.add( new Paragraph(“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent vel lectus lorem. Phasellus convallis, tortor a venenatis mattis, erat mi euismod tellus, in fermentum sapien nibh sit amet urna. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Praesent tellus libero, lacinia ac egestas eget, interdum quis purus. Donec ut nisl metus, sit amet viverra turpis. Mauris ultrices dapibus lacus non ultrices. Cras elementum luctus mauris, vitae eleifend diam accumsan ut. Aliquam erat volutpat. Suspendisse placerat nibh in libero tincidunt a elementum mi vehicula. Donec lobortis magna vel nibh mollis tempor. Maecenas et elit nunc. Nam non auctor orci. Aliquam vel velit vel mi adipiscing semper in ac orci. Vestibulum commodo sem eget tortor lobortis semper. Ut sit amet sapien non velit rutrum egestas sollicitudin in elit. Fusce laoreet leo a sem mattis iaculis”) );
and my mxml file is:
I don actually know how to run this example so i was just playing around and trying to run the example.
could you guys give me hint or send me a project file that runs purepdf plz?
Hi Bob,
the MXML code has been stripped out. Could u please post it again using & lt ; instead of < and & gt ; instead of > (whithout spaces) ? This way we can give it a look and let you know